Sunday, April 1, 2012

5 months already !

5 Months Yesterday !!!

I promised myself I would be better at updating this blog at least once a month - but that did not work.  So  as it seems, every three months will have to do.  PHEW - we have had A LOT go on in the last 3 months with our little Declan.  

There are so many things he can do now and he has a little personality, which I like to call "spitfire."
In the last three months we have accomplished *laughing *rolling over * sitting up for longer periods of time * became a stomach sleeper *grabs at everything, and puts everything in mouth *spit bubbles * screeching *finally back to sleeping through the night ( someone should have warned me what a beast sleep regression was ! ) *eating solid foods *already outgrown most of his 6 month clothes

This little boy of ours has a temper, which of course makes Jon and I laugh, he screams when he is hungry, as if we have not fed him in days, and then screams worse when the bottle is empty.  The next obstacle as parents we had to tackle was sleep training.  Our sweet little angel baby went from sleeping 7pm until 7 am at 6 weeks, to waking up 3, 4 and sometimes 5 times a night.  This as you can imagine became exhausting, we were told by the pediatrician that this was more of a regression and comfort issue rather than him being hungry.  So sleep training it was.  What an awful 4 nights.  However, our little sleeper is back to sleeping through the night and even sometimes until 9 am !  Good thing we took care of that nonsense.  

We have really enjoyed our warmer weather and have been able to take Declan to the zoo for the first time, go on countless walks, and even took him to the park a few times !  Our next adventure is our first little weekend getaway to Milwaukee next weekend ( Jon and I LOVE Milwaukee, so we decided that this will be a perfect place to start our first family tradition, which will be spending Easter in Milwaukee every year ! )- I am really excited for the time away with my guys, but nervous if a change of scenery will cause sleep issues again. The following weekend we are taking our first real family vacation to Florida ! I cannot wait to take Declan to the ocean for the first time -- I bet he will be equally as thrilled ;) - Everybody cross your fingers and toes we have a good airplane baby ! 

My next adventure is a small career change from "full time mommy" to "full time mommy and nanny" -- I am super excited that in just a few weeks I am going to start watching my niece's once my sister in law heads back to work after her maternity leave.  I feel honored that they asked me to be the girls babysitter, and am super excited that I will still get to have Declan with me every day!  Declan and I are going to have to learn how to get up and ready in the morning though, no more pajamas until noon - I think this will also be a great opportunity for Declan to be around other people than just myself every day ! 

We are looking forward to all the great things coming in the next few weeks !  

Monday, January 2, 2012

We survived the first two months !

Well now that the holidays are over... I have a minute - or 20 to sit down and reflect on the last 9 weeks of our new life.  We had a lot of firsts in the last few weeks... First Thanksgiving, First Christmas, First New years, First Cold, First sleepover at grandma's, First milk allergy, first smiles, first rollover, first noises, and our first wedding anniversary.  Phew, Im exhausted just thinking about it.

Its amazing how much happiness a new baby can bring into the holidays, and how much planning is needed also.  We really enjoyed our Holidays with Declan, they went by in a flash, and unlike the crazy mom I thought I would be, I only took a handful of pictures.  Its amazing how spoiled he is, the proof is still sitting in stacks all over our living room.  We are going to run out of room in our house in no time at this rate.

Declan has really gotten a little personality, he smiles all of the time, even at the little birds that move above his swing, almost like he thinks " these are the dumbest looking birds in the world." -- We agree with him.  He makes all sorts of noises and music to my ears is now listening to him "talk" to himself in his crib in the morning.  He also has a little milk allergy unfortunately -- we are hoping he will outgrow, but for now we will just keep hating the smell of soy -- and even more hatred towards soy spit up.  ( Yuck ).  We really lucked out with him.  He sleeps from 7:30 at night, until 5 or 6 in the morning, and will go back to bed until 8:30 -- I dont think I could ask for a better sleeping baby... scratch that, I can... I really just want him to take naps during the day, but Mr. Social is afraid he will miss out on something exciting. I try to reassure him that there is nothing exciting about laundry, cleaning, or lifetime movies.

The other big change we have made is that I am no longer returning to work full time.  Instead I am going to work part-time and spend more time home with Declan.  Before I ever even imagined having kids, I always told myself, I would stick a fork in my eye before ever staying home with a baby... Ironically, when you actually have said baby, thinking of going back to work full time caused a lot of tears ( from me, not him ).  I am really excited to be able to see him grow so much his first year -- although, I already missed his first roll over... but excited that Jon was able to see it !

We also survived our first night away from him.  We celebrated our first anniversary, and we got away for the night.  I only texted my mom 3 times, called twice, looked at his picture maybe 15, and woke up every hour debating if I should wake up Jon to go sleep at my moms to be with him. I survived, but have no plans of doing that crazy non-sense for a while.

I am really looking forward to these next few months of no real plans, and we can just sort of relax and make our own plans.  We have been on the go basically every weekend since the baby was born, and Its nice to just have some free weekends to enjoy our family, and try to explain to Declan that mom and dad like to watch tv in bed until 11 on the weekends, and that it would be much appreciated if he would  do the same.  :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Newest Wanderski Arrived !

Declan Edward Wanderski
October 31, 2011
4:04 PM - 7lbs 4 oz. - 21.5 inches long

Being newlyweds is no longer the purpose of this blog, much more important things have come along !  Jon and I, after what seems like eternity of waiting, welcomed our little bundle of halloween joy !  Now that he is almost 2 weeks ago, I finally have found the words and the time to write a post about our new life.  
As many as you probably know - I whined, complained, cried, pouted, waddled, and swelled my way through this pregnancy.  I insisted that being pregnant was something I would never in my life do again, and looked at people like they were nuts when they told me that I would forget about all the misery as soon as I had the baby.  " Do these people even know me?" I thought to myself, I will remember every ache and pain and dry heave, there is no doubt in my mind, and then I will remind this child as he grows up, how miserable he made me.  Well everyone was right.  Its only been 11 days since he came into my life, and I cannot seem to remember a second without him.  I vaguely remember rolling myself out of bed to pee for the 15th time just two weeks ago.  

Declan must have known that I was not enjoying my pregnancy all too much, because he made labor and delivery a breeze.  He arrived many hours before the Dr. said he would ( we were told 12-15 hours for an induction, plus 3 hours of pushing -- I did this in 6.5 hours of labor, and 1.5 hours of pushing -- he is already an over-acheiver ).  He came barreling out with the worst cone head in the world -- in fact,  the first words out of my mouth were " Oh no Jon, he has a cone head ! " -- thankfully that went away over night.  They placed him on my stomach, and from there on out, my life would never be the same. 

24 hours later we were already home with our little guy, starting our lives as a new family.  Jon and I spent the first 2 days pretty much just staring at him, which I still find myself doing just about 10 times a day.  He is pretty handsome I must say so myself :)  We are certainly doing the new parent thing, worrying about everything ( I am convinced he feels too warm every day -- stare at the baby monitor a million times -- and too many other things to list ).  With all this worry, comes the most incredible love for someone who I have only known for a short time.  

Jon and I are so thankful for the love, support, and well wishes from all of our friends and family.  We cannot describe the feelings and emotions we have right now, but they are definitely the best ones we will ever feel.  

I promise to post too many pictures of him, along with too many statuses talking about him :)  

Thanks again for everyone's love !

Jon, Linsey & Declan  

Friday, September 9, 2011

Its only been six months......

Well it has only been six months since my last blog entry.  I knew I would not be as diligent with this as soon as all the baby stuff started.  Yep, thats right... The Newest Wanderski's are going to have a baby, and only in 7 short weeks.  Its been quite the roller coaster in the last 8 months, but luckily Jon has survived my tears, crankiness, sickness, hunger, swelling, more tears, pouting, and all sorts of special requests.  I might be biased, but I sure do believe if there was a "husband of the year" award, it would go to him.

Now that we are waiting the arrival of our little guy.... our lives have clearly been busy with preparation.  I am sure people thought I was nuts by starting his nursery just as soon as we found out our new bundle was going to be a bundle of boy ( Although, I knew from day 1 it was going to be a boy )... but good thing I did, because we are approaching his final weeks of hanging from my ribs, and the nursery still has some finishing touches.  We have already had 1 baby shower, and are just two days away from our second baby shower.  After this weekend, we will officially be prepared to be parents ( Ha, as if anyone is really prepared ? )

This blog is most definitely going to turn into the baby blog just as soon as he arrives, so we can again update everyone on our growing guy ( but lets face it, its much more exciting to see him grow on the outside, than on the inside anyways ).  I am sure I will have more time on my hands to write in this once I am officially a mom, between all the sleep I am sure we will be getting, because as you all may know, I have decided that since this pregnancy has not been the easiest, this baby will certainly be an angel baby -- they have those you know ! All kidding aside, I am super excited to have sleepless nights, spit up all over me, and endless fits of crying... Jon is too ( I am doing a super good job of preparing him with all of my whining ).

Hopefully our next update will include the newest addition to our family !


Linsey and Jon

Monday, February 7, 2011

Our First Post

Hello All !

Today is our first day with a "blog" ... many of my friends have blogs to keep family and friends they do not see or talk to often, updated.  This is going to be our attempt, and by our, I mean my ( Linsey ) , and by attempt I mean "Update it as much as we ( I ) remember".  My attention span will hopefully last long enough, to keep it going ( and maybe entertaining as well ).

Jon and I have started our lives together as "blissfully married people," roughly 7 weeks ago.  With the wedding being so close to Christmas, and New years, we stayed really busy after the wedding, and never really felt that whole "post wedding boredom." ( Maybe this blog is my new project since I am not planning the wedding anymore).  However, now as we are in Feb, we have finally settled into every day lives, back to normal.  So far, it feels exactly the same as it did before the wedding.

We are rapidly approaching Valentines day, and last year I was lucky enough to get some half-alive/half -dead flowers from Jon, so I am really looking forward to what Jon comes up with year to surpass last year. I have total faith that now I am his wife, he will be diligently planning something special ( ha, ha yea right ).

We have been really busy doing things to the house to make it more comfy.  Just the other day we got a new entertainment center, which really helped with the clutter in the living room.... and Jon decided to cut the legs off of our kitchen table, and make it a coffee table.  Hopefully, as soon as I learn how to use this "blog", I will be able to upload pictures.   So in the midst of getting more settled, we are now kitchen table -less, which is making me a little sad, to see an empty kitchen, but I am on the search for the perfect kitchen table.  I have quite the crafty tile project I am working on right now, and will hopefully be done with it soon.... more pictures to come.

I promise this blog will get more exciting as I get more interested in "blogging"...

xo xo

Linsey and Jon